Sunday, August 11, 2013

Sunday August 11, 201

City Elections
Pam Cichon Assistant City Attorney and wife of Steve Gavin City Council candidate,  got dumped by the City Administration, and rightly so, after it turned up she had been engaging in campaign efforts while on duty and using her City Office Computer.
Kind of makes you wonder what an e-mail search of some other folks around the City might turn up.
Lot of forums and debates this week. The interesting thing about attending a number of these is how the questions vary from different parts of the City and conversely how many people from the various neighborhoods ask the same or very similar questions.
Some common threads seem to be the LENS and what after the vote, policing, codes enforcement........
My Post on The FUD Affect stirred up some comment click the link if you missed it.
The District 4 race is interesting. Darden Rice (whom I supported see below) gets better with each appearance. The focused attacks by Dr. David McKalip continue to be very shrill and seem to be honing Rice for what could be difficult stint on City Council. Carolyn Fries, a political newcomer, is doing very well in the race considering the opposition.
A Rice/Fries matchup in the general election would be refreshing as the issues facing St. Pete could be discussed with a little less heat.
If you missed the controversy about the Kathleen Ford Question at the Bay News9/Tampa Bay Times debate take a look at The Question That Went Unanswered
Green Light Pinellas
You're starting to see some activity from Green Light Pinellas  which is the group promoting the sales tax referendum for public transportation. This effort will really pick up after the general election in November. If you're getting bored with St. Pete politics, you might want to start studying up this issue since it will be a hot item in the 2014 election cycle.
The key to this one is to follow the money. Not where the sales tax will be spent but where the money supporting the effort is coming from.
The Mayor flip flopped again and decided  it is OK for the Rays to Talk to Tampa If you missed John Romano's Piece; Romano: Foster smart to allow rays to look elsewhere it is a good read. While the Mayor's motivation may be questionable, the idea is sound. Let's hope City Council can follow through and put together a plan to move forward.
Theresa and I went to the Sunday Rays game with San Francisco. The idea was organized on a short notice so I didn't have time to take a second mortgage on the house to fund a visit to the concession stand. I passed on the $9 Beer and $7 hot dog.
Lady sitting in front of us with two kids, made a trip to the concession stand came back with three baskets of food, three drinks and a cotton candy. My guess about $60 bucks worth.
Sometimes I think Major League Baseball is its own worst enemy.
Great seats, good game, pleasant afternoon watching baseball.
e-mail Doc at:, or send me a Facebook Friend request.
Campaign Disclosures: Contributor to Kathleen Ford Campaign, Darden Rice Campaign, Concern Citizens of St. Petersburg

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