Kriseman and Foster squared off several times during the week. Foster is getting better at his stump talking points and is filling in a little detail. Kriseman is still a little vague on the how's of what he is promising. Look for the rhetoric to heat up and the first round of attack mail can't be far away.
Next interesting set of facts will be the campaign
finance information. Don't be to surprised if Foster has a lead in the money
Politics at the
Cop Shop
Apparently there is a raging discussion inside the St. Pete Police Department about who they want to be the next chief.
Apparently there is a raging discussion inside the St. Pete Police Department about who they want to be the next chief.
The Chief has his ideas, the Union has their candidate,
the rank and file seems to be going another way and the old coalition is rumored
to be running a gambit. Kind of makes you wonder when they have time to do any
actual police work.
The Pier
It looks like Bill Foster is remaining true to his methods. When you start citizens committee, in this case the 828 Alliance, and they come up with a result you don't like just simple thank them and ignore the results. If I am not mistaken, that's how we got here in the first place.
It looks like Bill Foster is remaining true to his methods. When you start citizens committee, in this case the 828 Alliance, and they come up with a result you don't like just simple thank them and ignore the results. If I am not mistaken, that's how we got here in the first place.
St. Polls may have their offer accepted to provide some poling research for the Pier if it was up to City Council. Since it will be up to the Mayor, Bill Foster, don't be too surprised if he turns a cold shoulder to the polling idea, since the results will most surely not be to his liking.
My bet is refurbish the existing Pier comes out on top,
and Bill Foster will do whatever he can to prevent that from happening.
I noted with interest the Laura Lee Westine, wife of Sheriff Bob Gualtieri, has been appointed to the St. Pete College Board of directors by Governor Scott. Laura Lee will be a great asset to the college.
I noted with interest the Laura Lee Westine, wife of Sheriff Bob Gualtieri, has been appointed to the St. Pete College Board of directors by Governor Scott. Laura Lee will be a great asset to the college.
Newsing for
The Tampa Bay Times started charging for on line access to the papers' web site this week. It's called a pay wall. You still get some free access but you will be limited to 25 page views. Free access to the papers' content has long been a sticking point with Times management. They really don't like all of you internet cruisers reading their stuff for free.
The Tampa Bay Times started charging for on line access to the papers' web site this week. It's called a pay wall. You still get some free access but you will be limited to 25 page views. Free access to the papers' content has long been a sticking point with Times management. They really don't like all of you internet cruisers reading their stuff for free.
Obviously PATCH is an option, at least for a while. You
might want to check out Bay
News 9 Pinellas edition and the St.
Pete Tribune I know some will carp
about their bias, but stop and think about the Times. Almost all news reporting
has a bias. Just factor it in.
Be sure to comment below or you can e-mail
Doc at: dr.webb@verizon.net, or send me a Facebook Friend request.
Campaign Disclosures: Contributor to
Kathleen Ford Campaign, Darden Rice Campaign, Concern Citizens of St. Petersburg,
Rick Kriseman for Mayor
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