It's official, we now have a fully partisan political contest for the St. Pete Mayors' election. State Sen. Jack Latvala, R-Clearwater, called on the Florida GOP last week to enter the race. He didn't want Foster, his friend, standing alone. It apparently worked. "The Republican Party of Florida will continue to be helpful to the Foster campaign," said chairman Lenny Curry. Your mail box will soon be stuffed full of negative campaign flyers carefully crafted by the best in the business.
If you missed my Post A Serious Conversation with Rick Kriseman check them out Part I and Part II. If you supported Kathleen Ford in the Primary, you will find these Posts interesting.
Chief Harmon Announces His retirement
This came as a bit of a surprise to some, especially the Mayor who reportedly found out about it from the media, but if you are a careful Chuck Harmon watcher it was a predictable event given the tightness of the Mayor's race. Harmon wants to play a pivotal role in the selection of his successor, so this move puts the new Police Chief issue front and center in the campaign see my Post The Police Chief and the Election.
Red Light Cameras
Ford supporters are watching Rick Kriseman as he moves into the general election. Kriseman has been straddling the red light camera issue since his campaign began. Now that Jeff Brandes has filed a bill to repeal the red light camera enabling legislation, it will be interesting to see where Kriseman goes on this pivotal issue.
Pier Budget
Now that the LENS has been voted down by the voters the question of the TIF money should be addressed. The question should be, should the City be required to reimburse the TIF fund for the money it spent against the public's will on the LENS. Watch for my Post next week.
The Rays and The Mayor
Much to the surprise of no one Bill Foster indicated talks with the Rays aren't going well. It must be tough for Sternberg and Silverman to have a serious conversation with a Mayor they can't trust. Don't look for much with the Rays until after the election. As for Bud Selig, still all talk and no action.
Hot Now
Krispy Kreme will open a store and bakery at 9100 Fourth St. N later this month. It's been a while since you could get Krispy Kreme doughnuts warm out of the cooker in St. Pete. Watch for the flashing "Hot Now" sign. If you never had them, you got to stop by. A word of caution, they are addictive.
The hot chocolate is fantastic.
PATCH will keep you up to date on the grand opening.
Be sure to comment below or you can e-mail Doc at: dr.webb@verizon.net, or send me a Facebook Friend request. Campaign Disclosures: Contributor to Kathleen Ford Campaign, Darden Rice Campaign, Concern Citizens of St. Petersburg, Rick Kriseman for Mayor See More of Doc at Bay Post Internet
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