He promised a new day. He said he expected
collaboration and civility. He even held up the rule book and said "this
is what we are going to go by."
Coach asked for some consideration as he entered his
new role and the game began.
The wheels started to come off with Item F Reports - the
Skyway Marina District Plan Update. Things were going along well, until the
discussion began to disintegrate as a battle began to surface regarding the
request for funding. Should they pass the funding request or should they wait until
the scheduled workshop?
To his credit, Coach rained things back in, only to
have Mama T. Lasiter raise some very good points about why her area, 4th, 9th
and 16th streets South, which have been waiting for years for a development
plan were getting over looked. Once again things began to bubble and civility slipped.
In the end they decided to go to the workshop.
It really got interesting with New Business Item 1, A
Request to Refund Red Light Camera Revenue, collected at intersections where
the red light camera equipment and installation is suspect.
Considerable wrangling ensued following Transportation
Management and Parking Director Joe Kubicki's statement that all of the
equipment is fine and working as it should. Surprising that Council would just
accept Kubicki's comments since, Mr. Kubicki's department was recently taken to
task for leaving critical cash information out of a report to City Council.
In an effort to save the day and the Red Light Camera
system, Council member Gerdes made a motion to defer the discussion to a work
shop, a motion to defer trumps all other motions.
Wengay Newton once again tried to get a motion to the
floor to shut the whole red light camera program down, only to be out
maneuvered by the Gerdes' motion to defer.
In what was almost a major fumble, Coach nearly missed
the public input from Matt Florell who is our resident red light camera watcher
and some other citizens, but with some help from the dais all was finally
resolved. Mr. Florell never got a chance to make his case.
Not a bad first outing for Coach, but he will have to
step his game as Amy Foster and Darden Rice come up to speed on the issues and the
Through it all, the new Mayor smiled broadly, said
little and generally seemed to enjoy the meeting.
It's going to
be a long season.
E-mail Doc at: dr.webb@verizon.net. Or send me a Facebook (Gene Webb)
Friend request.
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