Crist is one of the most compassionate men I have ever met,
and most people who take the time to meet him come away feeling Charlie
really cares about their issues, and I believe for the most part he does.
Florida is a big business with a lot of problems, a
leadership full of elected officials with their own personal and political
agendas the Governor can't really control, and in the end you just can't be a
nice guy all the time.
All you have to do is follow the efforts of Governor Rick Scott and you will quickly see that being the top dog in Florida is far from a fun job.
All of which begs the question is Charlie really ready to
roll up his sleeves and run the State or is he more interested in hanging out
at the Governor's Mansion and schmoozing with which ever political party he is
catering to at the moment?
Charlie cannot just walk into the capital and sit on his
Rick Scott has done a lot of heavy lifting that needed to be
done in Tallahassee and around the State. There are a bunch of bureaucrats,
elected and appointed, who would love to undue a lot of what Scott has done.
Charlie will find himself in the middle of an administrative and political
fire storm.
Scott has gotten up every day and gone in to do battle as
the most disliked governor in the entire Country and rarely complained about
it. The media is after him constantly and his own party keeps its distance. But
when you have seen him as I have in those rare moments when he is with friends,
he is committed to moving forward and any personal cost is just not part of the
The days of the political aristocracy are really gone. The
higher up the political food chain you go the tougher it gets. The lingering
question is could Charlie stand to be number 47 on the list of most liked
Governors, if that's what it took to keep Florida moving?
We all like the compassionate leader who is there for us in
the hurricane, plane crash or other disaster, and no one is better at that than
Charlie Crist.
The real question is can Charlie come back to Tallahassee make the necessary course corrections and keep Florida moving forward? Can
he gut it out everyday faced with the challenges of running one of the most
diverse states and economies in the nation without running it bankrupt? Can he
run the business of Florida?
The glow will always be there, the compassion is not likely
to be watered down by the workload, but the drive to do the job is a fire
easily dampened by the effort required.
You have to admit that it's pretty difficult to get up
everyday and go to work knowing most of the people who work for you don't like
you, many of the people you are trying to help don't like you and for the most
part every decision you make makes about half of the people unhappy.
Has Charlie got the GO to go with the Glow? To me that's the
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