document is long and complex about 12,000 words. Please
spend some time and find out what you are really voting for.
County Voters are being asked to approve a law (The GreenLight Plan) that
would provide for an open ended 1% increase in the County sales tax.
Agreement will also go into effect if the GreenLight Referendum is successful.
You can
read my review of the actual law you will approve if you vote yes at Sales
Tax (GreenLight) Ordinance Review.
Ordinance that will become a law is deliberately written in vague and broad
terms anticipating interlocal Agreements with Pinellas County and most of the
24 jurisdictions (Cities) in the County.
original plan was to formulate these Interlocal Agreements after the sales Tax
Ordinance had become law, allowing for the most "flexibility" in
determining how the sales tax proceeds would be obligated.
to pressure from opponents of the Greenlight plan and the Sales Tax Ordinance,
the Suncoast Transit Authority and the Pinellas County Commission found it
necessary to develop the Interlocal Agreement before the election to add some
direction to how the revenue from the 1% sales tax will be handled and to
attempt to add some clarity regarding the suspension of the current PSTA
property tax.
The following document is a reproduction
of the Pinellas County Interlocal Agreement with the Suncoast Transit
Authority approved by the Pinellas County Commission.
The text of the Agreement
appears in italics. My
Comments appear in Bold regular
The Honorable Chairman and Members of the Board of County Commissioners
James L. Bennett, County Attorney
DATE: Recommendation to Approve the Transit Surtax Interlocal Agreement with
the Pinellas Suncoast Transit Authority
June 3, 2014
The Board adopted Ordinance No. 13-34 on December 10, 2013, which levies the
Charter County and Regional Transportation Surtax ("Surtax") at the
rate of one percent ( 1%) subject to referendum approval. That referendum is
scheduled for November 4, 2014. The intent of the Board, as expressed both in
Resolution No. 13-19 and Ordinance No. 13-34, in placing the referendum
question on the ballet is to provide a funding source for countywide
transportation projects, specifically those outlined in the Greenlight Pinellas
Greenlight Pinellas Plan ("Plan") was developed by the Pinellas
Suncoast Transit Authority ("PSTA"), a countywide transportation
authority created by special act of the Legislature. The Plan calls for the
development, construction, and operation of public transit benefitting Pinellas
County, including an expanded bus system with bus rapid transit, increased
frequency and extended hours, and local passenger rail and regional
connections. The Plan calls for funding of this transit system with proceeds
collected through the Surtax.
interlocal agreement before the Board for action is between the County and
PSTA, and provides for distribution of Surtax proceeds received by the County
from the Department of Revenue to the PSTA. In addition to distributing the
funds, the interlocal:
Provides that the County can withhold distribution of the Surtax proceeds
and/or reduce the Surtax levy if PSTA exercises its ad valorem taxing authority
This appears to set up the control for preventing PSTA to continue
or re-establish the current property tax levy, but later we will see that while
the County can "withhold" sales tax revenues, those revenues by law
may only be used for transportation, so sooner or later they would flow to PSTA
since they appear to be dedicated to the GreenLight plan.
There is basically nothing to prevent PSTA from exercising its ad
valorem taxing authority in the future.
Allows PSTA to pledge the Surtax proceeds to secure any debt or other
obligations incurred by PSTA for its Green light Plan
This is the really big one. Here the interlocal Agreement provides
for PSTA to pledge the sales tax revenue "secure ANY debt or Obligation by
PSTA for its GreenLight Plan. Later in this document you will see where those
pledges can extend for up to 90 years.
Provides for the reduction and/or termination of the Surtax upon the occurrence
of certain defined events
Requires County consent in order for PSTA to undertake certain defined
Attempt to keep PSTA tied to the County and the County Board of
Provides reimbursement to the County for costs incurred in support of the
Greenlight Plan
In this section, the County assures they will get a piece of the
$130 million dollar annual sales tax for undefined "costs" incurred
in support of the plan.
Sets forth a schedule of critical milestones for Greenlight Plan
staff has collaborated with PSTA staff over the last several months to develop
the inter local attached to this memo. It is recommended that the Board approve
the interlocal, authorize the Chair to sign, and transmit the inter local to
the PSTA for its approval.
Both the County Board of Commissioners and the PSTA Board of
Directors have approved this Agreement
Transmittal for approval
AGREEMENT ("Agreement") is made and entered into this
day of June 2014, by and between PINELLAS COUNTY, a political subdivision of
the State of Florida, hereinafter referred to as the "County," and
the PINELLAS SUNCOAST TRANSIT AUTHORITY, an independent special district
created by Chapter 2000-424, Laws of Florida, as amended, and a transportation
authority for purposes of Section 212.055(1), Florida Statutes, hereinafter
referred to as "PSTA."
Transmittal for approval
is made and entered into this day of June 2014, by and between PINELLAS COUNTY,
a political subdivision of the State of Florida, hereinafter referred to as the
"County," and the PINELLAS SUNCOAST TRANSIT AUTHORITY, an independent
special district created by Chapter 2000-424, Laws of Florida, as amended, and
a transportation authority for purposes of Section 212.055(1), Florida
Statutes, hereinafter referred to as "PSTA."
WHEREAS, Section 212.055(1), Florida Statutes,
authorizes the County to impose a Charter County and Regional Transportation
System Surtax ("Surtax") of up to one percent (1 %) throughout the
County, subject to referendum approval, to fund countywide transportation
projects; and
Whereas confirms the authority of the Tax for the purpose of public
transportation. Note that the official language allows for a tax up to 1%. The
County and PSTA will implement the tax at its maximum level immediately.
WHEREAS, the County's Board of County
Commissioners adopted Ordinance No. 13-34 on December 10, 2013, levying the
Surtax subject to elector approval at a rate of one percent; establishing the
effective date of the Surtax; providing for administration, collection, and enforcement
of the Surtax; providing for the distribution, use and financial management of
Surtax proceeds; calling for a referendum election for approval of imposition
of the Surtax on November 4, 2014 (the "Surtax Referendum"); and
providing a ballot title and summary of the proposed referendum question (the
"Ordinance"); and
whereas reaffirms the language in the Ordinance that will become law if you
vote yes.
Transmittal for approval
is made and entered into this day of June 2014, by and between PINELLAS COUNTY,
a political subdivision of the State of Florida, hereinafter referred to as the
"County," and the PINELLAS SUNCOAST TRANSIT AUTHORITY, an independent
special district created by Chapter 2000-424, Laws of Florida, as amended, and
a transportation authority for purposes of Section 212.055(1), Florida
Statutes, hereinafter referred to as "PSTA."
WHEREAS, pursuant to Chapter 2000-424, Laws of
Florida, as amended ("Special Act"), PSTA has the authority to plan,
develop, improve, construct, maintain, operate, and finance a public transit
system, as that term is defined therein; and
PSTA is a legal transit authority.
WHEREAS, PSTA has developed a plan for the
development, improvement, construction, equipping, operation, maintenance and
financing of public transit benefitting the County including an expanded bus
system with bus rapid transit, increased frequency and extended hours, and
local passenger rail and regional connections, which is commonly referred to as
the "Greenlight Pinellas Plan;" and
is a question here as to whether PSTA actually has a detailed plan for each of
the items listed in this Whereas. In fact the Ordinance that you will make a
law contains no detailed plans and is intentionally vague. This Interlocal
Agreement, as you will see does very little to detail the actual PSTA
Greenlight plan.
WHEREAS, pursuant to Chapter 163, Florida
Statutes, counties, cities, public authorities, and other political
subdivisions are authorized to enter into interlocal agreements among and
between themselves in order to make the most efficient use of their powers and
enabling them to cooperate with other governmental entities; and
the authority for the Interlocal Agreement.
WHEREAS, the County and PSTA desire to
equitably determine and to contract and provide herein the manner in which the
proceeds from the Surtax shall be distributed to PSTA and the use to which
those proceeds may be made by PSTA.
is a grand Whereas, and if the Agreement actually accomplished these goals it
would be a fine Agreement.
it gets the first part, distributing the money to PSTA, right in line with PSTA
goal of "get all the money as fast as you can", while the attempt to
control how PSTA will use the money is watered down in legal and political
double speak.
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual
covenants of this Agreement, and other good and valuable consideration, the
receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the County and PSTA agree, each with
the other, as follows:
see this phrase a lot in agreements of this type.
people don't really pay a lot of attention, but in this case you have the most
powerful government in the County, the County Commission, and what will quite
likely become the second most powerful government entity in the County, PSTA,
if this Sales Tax Referendum passes, agreeing "in consideration of the
mutual covenants of this Agreement, and other good and valuable consideration,
the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged".
What I
take from this is these two governments are coveting to use your $130 Million
in annual tax revenue for their mutual interests.
don't see you or me represented here.
SECTION 1. CONDITION PRECEDENT. This Agreement shall be effective upon
execution by the parties and approval of the Surtax by the voters of the County
at the Surtax Referendum ("Effective Date").
is your chance as a voter to put a stop to all of the insanity.
If you don't approve the sales tax referendum
on November 4, 2014 by voting NO, this Agreement and the Sales Tax ordinance
both go in the trash can where they belong.
used herein, the following terms or phrases shall have the meaning ascribed
sure to read this Section carefully.
(A) Agreement shall mean this Interlocal Agreement,
as amended or supplemented from time to time.
(B) Business Day shall mean any day other than a
Saturday or Sunday or legal holiday or a day on which the principal office of
the County or PSTA is closed.
(C) Change in Law shall mean the enactment, adoption,
promulgation, modification or repeal, after the Effective Date, of any federal
or state law that: (i) substantially and materially limits PSTA's delivery of
transit or transportation services described in PSTA's Greenlight Plan; or (ii)
substantially and materially limits the County's performance of its obligations
pursuant to Section 3 herein; or (iii) invalidates or terminates the levy of
the Surtax by the County; provided, however, a "Change in Law" shall
not have been deemed to have occurred hereunder if PSTA shall be diligently
prosecuting a lawsuit challenging the legality of such enactment, adoption,
promulgation, modification or repeal, including participation in any related
means if PSTA gets into any legal trouble, like they are now with the
Department of Homeland Security, and the County wants to shut down the money
flow, they can't as long as PSTA is "diligently prosecuting a lawsuit
challenging the legality of such enactment, adoption, promulgation,
modification or repeal, including participation in any related appeals."
All it
takes to keep the sales tax money flowing is room full of lawyers filing
appeals and the sales tax dollars keep flowing to PSTA. And your tax dollars will pay for the
(D) Clerk shall mean the Pinellas County Clerk of
the Circuit Court and Comptroller of Pinellas County, Florida.
(E) County Infrastructure shall mean the County-owned assets
generally described in Exhibit B attached hereto as that Exhibit may be amended
from time to time in order to include assets that may not exist as of the
effective date of this Agreement.
one pretty much kicks the barn door open for the County to define anything they
want to as an "asset" that qualifies as requiring revenue (payment)
from PSTA for its use.
the Whereas on County costs.
(F) Department shall mean the Florida Department of
(G) Fiscal Year or FY shall mean October I through and
including the following September 30.
(H) Force Majeure shall mean a Change in Law or any other
act, event or condition that prevents either Party from substantially and
materially being able to perform the applicable Party's obligations under this
Agreement, to the extent such act, event or condition is due to circumstances
beyond the reasonable control of the Party asserting a Force Majeure as justification
for being prevented from performing such obligations; provided, however, such
act, event or condition is not the result of such asserting Party's failure to
perform its obligations hereunder in accordance with the terms and conditions
of this Agreement.
standard stuff.
(I) Milestone Schedule shall mean the schedule of milestones
attached hereto as Exhibit A, as the same may be amended and supplemented from
time to time
the milestone schedule which appears as Exhibit A is redefined to no longer be
a milestone schedule but is merely an example of a milestone schedule since it
can and will be, "amended and supplemented" from time to time.
provision is made for how changes are made, who may request them, who, by or
how they are approved and if the public has any input.
(J) PSTA 's Greenlight Plan shall mean PSTA's plan, including the
Greenlight Pinellas Plan, the Community Bus Plan, the Pinellas Alternatives
Analysis, the Greenlight Pinellas Financial Plan, and the Light Rail Station Development
Concepts, as filed with the Clerk as of the date hereof, all of which were
developed and approved by PSTA, that addresses the planning, development,
improvement, construction, equipping, operation, maintenance and financing of
local passenger rail and regional connections and/or an expanded bus system
with bus rapid transit, increased frequency and extended hours, as the same may
be amended and supplemented from time to time subject to the provisions of
Section 10 hereof.
All of
a sudden the Greenlight plan just got a lot bigger with the addition of all of
these other "Plans".
because you are not voting on these plans according to the Referendum Ordinance
since they are not part of the Sales Tax Ordinance language.
will also note all of these plans were "developed and approved by
PSTA" and apparently the County is buying in completely.
there is this: "that addresses the
planning, development, improvement, construction, equipping, operation,
maintenance and financing of local passenger rail and regional connections and/or
an expanded bus system with bus rapid transit, increased frequency and extended
hours, as the same may be amended and supplemented from time to time subject to
the provisions of Section 10 hereof. "
Note the
underlined words "and/or" this one sentence gives PSTA the way out of
expanding the bus system.
(K) Party and Parties shall mean the local governments that
have entered into this Agreement, either singularly or collectively.
seems to indicate that the County and PSTA will attempt to get other Pinellas
County jurisdictions to sign on to this Agreement to participate in the
"GreenLight Plan".
Interlocal Agreement appears to set the stage for negotiations with the 24
jurisdictions and put PSTA in the power position in these negotiations.
(L) Surtax shall mean the one percent (1 %)
Charter County and Regional Transportation System Surtax imposed pursuant to
the Ordinance.
it said up to 1%, now it just says 1%. They simply want all they can get as
soon as they can get it.
(M) Surtax Net Proceeds shall mean the amount of Surtax
proceeds received by the County from the Department.
much 1% of almost everything you, your kids and grand kids buy for the next 90
(N) Transportation Infrastructure shall mean all land, roads,
rights-of-way, easements, other interests in real property, buildings,
facilities, stations, stops, buses, trains, rolling stock, vehicles, tracks,
guideways, utility systems, equipment, communications and technology hardware,
software and/or systems, and any other real or tangible or intangible personal
property required to design, plan, permit, develop, operate, maintain, repair,
and replace buses, bus rapid transit, express buses, commuter and/or passenger
rail and other transit or transportation services and systems provided by PSTA
and eligible to be funded by the Surtax as provided for in accordance with
Section 3 of the Agreement.
I call
this the PSTA operational reaffirmation clause; take all the money you can get
and spend it any way want for just about anything you can think of.
(0) Transportation System Surtax Trust
Fund shall
mean the trust fund created by the Ordinance to be held by the Clerk solely for
receipt and distribution of the Surtax Net Proceeds in accordance with the
terms of the Ordinance and this Agreement.
is a transfer fund that is supposed to make the voters feel better since the
money appears to not be going directly to PSTA. We will get to the Section that
determines how the funds are actually distributed.
get your hopes up here for a lot of control later.
SECTION 3. USE OF SURTAX NET PROCEEDS. Notwithstanding any other provision
of this Agreement, the County and PSTA agree that all Surtax Net Proceeds,
including any interest earnings thereon, and/or proceeds of any bonds, notes,
loans, lines of credit or other indebtedness secured thereby, including any
interest earnings thereon, shall be expended by each Party only as expressly
permitted by this Agreement, Section 212.055(1 ), Florida Statutes, and the
simply says that the County will receive the funds and send them to PSTA. There
are no provisions for the County to spend any of this money. Strangely they
don't even get a handling fee.
Upon receipt, the County shall deposit the Surtax Net Proceeds into the
Transportation System Surtax Trust Fund to be held by the Clerk for
distribution to PSTA in accordance with the Ordinance and this Agreement
comes from you to the Florida Department of Revenue; they take out a small
handling fee, and send the money to Pinellas County. The funds are deposited in
the Transportation System Surtax Trust Fund.
(B) Unless
otherwise provided in Sections 6 or 9 hereof, all Surtax Net Proceeds shall be
distributed to PSTA in accordance with Section 5 hereof, to be used by PSTA for
the planning, development, improvement, construction, operation, and
maintenance of local passenger rail and regional connections consistent with
PSTA's Greenlight Plan, PSTA's present and future bus service, and/or an
expanded bus system with bus rapid transit, increased frequency and extended
hours consistent with the PSTA's Greenlight Plan, and to make payments to
service indebtedness (including indebtedness refinancing such indebtedness) or
satisfy other financial obligations, including without limitation any
concession, lease or other payments to be made by PSTA under concession, lease
or similar agreements, all in connection with PSTA's Greenlight Plan and all as
authorized by Section 212.055(1 ), Florida Statutes and other applicable law.
the proceeds are to be used for the "the
planning, development, improvement, construction, operation, and maintenance of
local passenger rail"
as their first dedicated
PSTA agrees to use its best efforts to maximize state and federal grants,
donations of rights-of-way, construction of stations, public private
partnerships, and any and all similar resources in order to leverage the Surtax
Net Proceeds to their fullest extent.
the order of precedent established here in the distribution of funds "to be used by PSTA for the planning,
development, improvement, construction, operation, and maintenance of local
passenger rail";
"Consistent with the PSTA's
Greenlight Plan",
which we already know can be changed at any moment with little or no public
the really important verbiage:
"and to make payments to service indebtedness (including indebtedness
refinancing such indebtedness) or satisfy other financial obligations,
including without limitation any concession, lease or other payments to be made
by PSTA under concession, lease or similar agreements, all in connection with PSTA's
Greenlight Plan and all as authorized by Section 212.055(1 ), Florida Statutes
and other applicable law."
lets PSTA immediately borrow the $2 billion plus dollars through a series of
bond issues to start the train project, and obligate you to a sales tax for up
to 90 years.
Clerk shall receive the Surtax Net Proceeds from the Department and act as
trustee thereof and shall retain all Surtax Net Proceeds in the Transportation
System Surtax Trust Fund until disbursed in accordance with the Ordinance and
this Agreement. Disbursements of the Surtax Net Proceeds pursuant to the
Ordinance and this Agreement shall be made to PSTA by the Clerk within five (5)
business days of receipt by the Clerk of the Surtax Net Proceeds from the
Department. PSTA reserves the right to conduct an audit of the Surtax Net
Proceeds received by the Clerk and distributed to PSTA.
County gets the funds deposited into the trust fund and has 5 days to move the
money to PSTA. PSTA can audit the Clerk.
PSTA (i) will, prior to the Surtax Referendum, continue to acknowledge to the
voters of the County that it intends not to impose an ad valorem tax pursuant
to the authority granted by its Special Act for Fiscal Year 2016 and
thereafter, as long as the Surtax is not repealed and PSTA continues to receive
Surtax Net Proceeds, and (ii) agrees to use its best efforts to have its
Special Act amended to eliminate its ad valorem taxing authority, effective
upon PSTA's receipt of Surtax Net Proceeds. The County agrees to support PSTA
in its effort to so amend its Special Act.
PSTA does not AGREE that it will not impose the Property Tax (Ad valorem tax)
but simply says it "intends" not too. Also
note PSTA must make this pledge PRIOR to the Referendum, but after the
Referendum they can change their mind.
is also a bit of political hocus/pocus here as the County Agrees to support
PSTA as PSTA tries to get the State Legislature to remove their Ad valorem
taxing authority.
the only real advantage to PSTA is to convince voters they will eliminate the
property tax this Section shores up that promise but does not affirm it.
fact, it is in PSAT's best interest if the ad valorem tax capability stays in
place because by all estimates the sales tax revenue will not come close to
paying for the construction of the train and its maintenance and operation let
alone anything like expanded bus service.
what you are reading here is an "Agreement" between Pinellas County
and PSTA. It is NOT part of the Ordinance you are voting for, it will NOT
become law, it can be changed at any time without your input.
with a financial debacle of the size most of these train projects produce,
Pinellas County will quickly agree to return to a property tax for PSTA, before
dipping into their coffers to pay for the train.
(B) If
PSTA elects to impose an ad valorem tax pursuant to the authority granted by
its Special Act while the Surtax is being collected and PSTA is entitled to
receive Surtax Net Proceeds, the County shall be entitled to reduce the Surtax
Net Proceeds distributed to PSTA in the amount of the ad valorem taxes
collected by PSTA in each Fiscal Year in which it imposes an ad valorem tax. If
PSTA discontinues such ad valorem tax levy, in the County's sole discretion,
the County may begin distributing the full amount of the Surtax Net Proceeds to
that the County is entitled to reduce the funds going to PSTA but they are not
obligated to do so. The County cannot cause PSTA to default on any bonds or
PSTA get into financial trouble, which most of these train projects do, then
the only options the County has are to bail out PSTA with their funds or allow
the property tax to go back into place.
these train projects have been known to put Counties on the verge of bankruptcy
the County's most logical move would be to agree to put the burden on you the
tax payer through restarting the property tax.
Notwithstanding the foregoing or any other provision of this Agreement, in the
event PSTA imposes an ad valorem tax as contemplated by this Section 6, the
County may take any action it deems necessary and is legally required to
permanently reduce the levy of the Surtax; provided, however, the County shall
use its best efforts to ensure that at the time any such permanent reduction is
made, the reduction shall not exceed the amount of ad valorem taxes collected
by PSTA in the immediately prior Fiscal Year.
one is interesting.
allows that the County may take any legal action to reduce the sales tax
revenue should PSTA implement the ad valorem tax. The referendum, however, sets
the amount at 1%. The question is would it take a new referendum to permanently
reduce the amount.
more likely scenario would be that all or most of the sales tax revenue would
be pledged to obligation bonds. PSTA would need ad valorem tax revenue to
operate. Since the bond pledge is a legal covenant, the County could not reduce
or with hold the revenue from the sales tax necessary to meet the bond
form: You the tax payer get stuck with a new property tax and a 1% sales tax.
(D) If
PSTA's Special Act is amended to eliminate PSTA's authority to levy an ad
valorem tax on real property in the County, this Section 6 shall be of no
further force and effect.
not going to happen. The Legislature has already indicated it will not take up
the PSTA request regarding property tax relief.
(A) In
order to finance or refinance projects, PSTA may issue bonds or notes, enter
into lines of credit, incur loans or other indebtedness, enter into concession,
lease or similar agreements, and may secure payment obligations under such
bonds, loans, notes, lines of credit or other indebtedness or pursuant to such
concession, lease or similar agreements with a pledge of and lien on the Surtax
Net Proceeds in accordance with the provisions of Section 212.055(1), Florida
Statutes, and other applicable law, including any indebtedness refinancing such
bonds, loans, notes, lines of credit or other indebtedness. Prior to the
initial issuance of any indebtedness by PSTA, the Pinellas County Attorney
shall approve the trust agreement or trust indenture (the "Trust
Agreement") pursuant to which such indebtedness is to be issued. The
County and PSTA agree that it is their intent that such approval be provided by
the County Attorney prior to the date of the Surtax Referendum. Notwithstanding
the foregoing, PSTA shall at all times comply with its debt policy referred to
in Section 10 hereof.
is the $2.2 Billion Dollar Train Section.
the Agreement sets the stage for PSTA to quickly issue obligation bonds and
other lines of credit for the Greenlight plan, but mostly for procurement,
planning, and construction of the train to nowhere.
Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, to the extent permitted by
law, in order to effectuate the purposes in PSTA's Greenlight Plan, PSTA may
enter into leases or public private partnerships with concessionaires, and may
secure its obligations to make lease, concession and other payments under lease
and concession agreements with a pledge of and lien on the Surtax Net Proceeds
in accordance with the provisions of Section 212.055(1 ), Florida Statutes. (C)
Nothing contained herein shall be construed to limit the amount of indebtedness
that may be incurred by PSTA to be secured by the Surtax Net Proceeds.
in (C) Mr. Miller and his band of Greenlight yes proponents get the real green
light to borrow with, minimum oversight, however much they can and pledge any
or all of the sales tax proceeds to the obligation.
and the County hereby approve the Milestone Schedule. PSTA shall promptly
notify the County as soon as it reasonably believes that any milestone set
forth in the Milestone Schedule is likely not to be timely achieved. Upon such
notification or upon PSTA's failure to achieve timely any milestone set forth
in the Milestone Schedule, PSTA and the County shall meet as soon as
practicable to discuss the reasons for PSTA not timely achieving the milestone
and the effect of doing so on PSTA's progression on PSTA's Greenlight Plan. If
the County and PSTA are unable to agree to a resolution or an amendment to the
Milestone Schedule, a nationally recognized transit consultant, approved by
PSTA and the County will be retained, at the sole cost and expense of PSTA.
Within sixty (60) days of having been retained and approved, or such longer
time as is reasonably necessary, such transit consultant shall make written
recommendations to the parties on methods PSTA should utilize in the future to
achieve the relevant milestone(s), to achieve in a timely manner future
milestones, and/or to revise the Milestone Schedule, as appropriate. PSTA and
the County agree to promptly implement the recommendations of such transit
consultant to achieve the relevant milestone(s), to achieve in a timely manner
future milestones, and/or to revise the Milestone Schedule, as appropriate, as
such recommendations are modified by mutual agreement of the Parties, and to
the extent such recommendations are permitted by law and existing contractual
obligations of PSTA. Prior to the 10th anniversary of this Agreement, the
Parties shall prepare a new, mutually agreeable Milestone Schedule consistent
with PSTA's Greenlight Plan that will become effective on the 10th anniversary
of this Agreement.
Section tries to set some conditions around the Milestone Schedule, because the
last thing PSTA wants is some schedule they actually must meet.
are no mandates, or penalties for failing to meet the milestones. When you see
words like "promptly", "in a timely manner" and
"revise as appropriate" along with hiring a consultant as a mediator
you can pretty well bet this is just so much fluff.
is critical section.
lays out the conditions for reduction or termination of the sales tax.
the earlier of:
completion of all steps to finance (including without limitation debt
incurrence, and/or execution of public-private partnerships or leases),
acquire, and/or construct all projects and capital improvements contemplated in
PSTA's Greenlight Plan, as mutually determined by PSTA and the County (if the
parties cannot mutually determine whether PSTA's Greenlight Plan has been
completed, the parties shall engage a nationally recognized transit consultant
acceptable to both Parties to make such determination);
that (A) provides for payment of debt. Once committed to bonds, the tax cannot
be eliminated until the bonds are satisfied. Later we find this Agreement
allows those bonds to stay in place for 90 years.
(B) PSTA's decision to discontinue such steps
to finance, acquire and/or construct substantially all of the projects and
capital improvements contemplated in PSTA's Greenlight Plan;
the occurrence of a Force Majeure;
the fiftieth 50th anniversary of the date the Surtax is first levied and each
20th anniversary thereafter;
(D) a review after 50 years and each 20 year anniversary thereafter. Obviously
both PSTA and the current County Commission are expecting this tax to go on for
a significant period of time.
in (D) the commitment to not with hold funds needed to meet its then
outstanding "financial obligations". This is an assurance the that
those issuing, maintaining and owning the obligation bonds issued to finance
the train will always get their money.
(E) a
payment default under the Trust Agreement; or
PSTA applying Surtax Net Proceeds for a purpose other than PSTA's Greenlight
County and PSTA shall meet to discuss the particular event described in clauses
(A) through (F) that has occurred and shall consider, depending upon the event,
revising this Agreement, revising or adding to PSTA's Greenlight Plan, seeking
further authorization for additional uses by PSTA of the Surtax Net Proceeds or
reducing or increasing, if there has been a previous reduction and subject to
the limitations of the Surtax Referendum, temporarily or permanently, the
Surtax Net Proceeds. If the Parties are unable to agree on what action, if any,
to take, after making a good faith effort, the County may take any legally
required action to reduce the Surtax Net Proceeds distributed to PSTA. In
determining what action to take, if any, pursuant to this Section 9, the
Parties shall comply with the provisions of Section 29(B) hereof.
reduction of Surtax Net Proceeds distributed to PSTA as a result of an action
or event described in clauses (C), (E) or (F) above shall be temporary and the
County shall promptly begin distributing the full amount of the Surtax Net
Proceeds to PSTA, including all amounts that were held back and actual interest
earnings, if any, actually derived by the County, when the County determines,
in its sole discretion, that such event or action has been cured or no longer
exists. The foregoing shall not impose a duty on the County to invest any of
such withheld amounts. The County shall determine, in its sole discretion,
whether any reduction of Surtax Net Proceeds distributed to PSTA as a result of
an action or event described in clauses 6 (A), (B) or (D) will be temporary or
permanent. If the County determines to permanently reduce the distribution of
the Surtax Net Proceeds, to the extent and as permitted by law, it may take
such action as it deems necessary and is legally required to reduce the amount
of the Surtax levy in accordance with this Section. Notwithstanding anything in
this Section 9 to the contrary, any temporary reduction shall be limited to an
amount that will not impair PSTA's ability to meet all of its then outstanding
financial obligations under the Trust Agreement.
(F) is
particular interesting as it says the tax would be terminated if the funds are
used for anything other than the "Greenlight Plan" Since the
Greenlight Plan can be modified by the PSTA and the County at any time with no
public input this Section provides absolutely no control over the spending of
sales tax or bond revenues what so ever.
also that the County "in its sole discretion" will pay all amounts
held back: "Any reduction of Surtax Net Proceeds
distributed to PSTA as a result of an action or event described in clauses (C),
(E) or (F) above shall be temporary and the County shall promptly begin
distributing the full amount of the Surtax Net Proceeds to PSTA, including all
amounts that were held back and actual interest earnings, if any, actually
derived by the County, when the County determines, in its sole discretion, that
such event or action has been cured or no longer exists."
that the PSTA Board is one third populated by County Commissioners there is
little here to protect the tax payers.
following actions shall require prior written consent of the County, unless and
until the Surtax levy is terminated pursuant to Section 9:
is interesting here is "consent" is not defined. Who can issue
"consent"; the County Attorney, Chairman of the County Commission,
County Administrator?
is no requirement here for the entire County Commission to vote on any
"consent" issued.
Any amendment to PSTA's enabling legislation that would amend the membership of
the PSTA Board of Directors so as to reduce the percentage of representation of
the County on the PSTA Board of Directors to less than thirty-three percent
(33%) or that would otherwise be materially adverse to the County hereunder,
and that is initiated by PSTA through a vote of its Board of Directors.
this Section the County assures its 33% presence on the PSTA Board. The objective is to be somewhat in control.
Any substantial amendment to PSTA's Greenlight Plan.
definition of substantial. Also note the word amendment. Is a change an
amendment? How big a change?
dropping the bus expansion substantial? Since the train route will likely be
determined by the big YES GreenLight donors, developers and real-estate people,
lok for these to be "changes" and not "Amendments".
PSTA's entering into any joint venture or partnership (other than a
public-private partnership) or interlocal agreement with respect to PSTA's
Greenlight Plan that is materially adverse to the interests of the County.
would seem here that a public/private relationship that is adverse to the
County's interest is OK.
PSTA's debt and investment policies, which shall be provided to the County
prior to the distribution of any Surtax Net Proceeds to PSTA hereunder, and any
material amendments thereto.
this Section calls for the PSTA's investment policy to be submitted to the
County but does not state that County approval is necessary only written
Now you know why the investment houses are
lining up to support Greenlight.
Any amendment to the Trust Agreement which would be materially adverse to the
County; provided, however, notwithstanding the foregoing, only consent of the
County Attorney shall be required with respect to this Section 10(E).
the County Attorney, who is not elected, has full authority to give
shall provide written notice to the County when seeking approval of any action
requiring County approval pursuant to this Section. The County shall either
approve or deny the consent request in writing in a timely manner. When
requested by PSTA to approve or consent to any of the items in this Section 10,
the County shall use its best efforts to provide either written approval or
denial in the timeframe requested by PSTA, so long as the requested timeframe
is reasonable. If the County is unable to provide its written approval or
denial within the timeframe requested by PSTA, the County shall so advise PSTA
in writing and provide an estimate of the time necessary to respond to PSTA's
request. Notwithstanding anything contained herein to the contrary, the County
shall not unreasonably delay any approval, shall not unreasonably withhold any
approval, shall not cause PSTA to be in breach of any agreement, law,
regulation or jeopardize PSTA's ability to cost effectively incur debt as
contemplated by PSTA's Greenlight Plan or cause any of the events set forth in
Section 9 (C), (E) and (F) in exercising its right to participate in and
approve any of any of the items in Section 10.
might want to reread the paragraph above. Kind of makes you wonder who is
really in charge.
this quote from the above paragraph "or jeopardize PSTA's ability to cost effectively incur debt as
contemplated by PSTA's Greenlight Plan" here the Interlocal Agreement clearly states the PSTA's Goal and the
Greenlight plan's primary objective "incur debt".
pledged to the debt which will be in the form of bonds the sales tax is locked
in and the funds cannot be used for anything other than the bond debt service.
The bond proceeds can only be used as defined in the Bond covenants. The County
will no longer have any control over what PSTA does.
10 also affirms the County's right to approve any changes to the GreenLight
Plan when they are asked by PSTA for their approval.
PSTA shall reimburse the County for the fees, costs and expenses incurred by
the County with respect to all actions relating to the enactment of the
Ordinance, the negotiation, execution and delivery of this Agreement and all
other matters related thereto through and including the validation of the
initial issuance of bonds for PSTA's Greenlight Plan, including, without
limitation, the fees and expenses of bond counsel or other outside counsel, its
financial advisor, and all similar fees, costs and expenses. The total sum to
be paid by PSTA pursuant to this Section 11 shall not exceed the sum of One
Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000.00). The amount due under this Section 11
shall be made in a one-time payment and is due only upon passage of the Surtax
Referendum and after PSTA begins to receive Surtax Net Proceeds in accordance
with the Ordinance and this Agreement.
County will get reimbursed for expenses. Note the special emphasis on Bond
issuance. Bonds are the key in this effort to get money (sales tax revenue)
permanently committed to the rail project.
that even though the train effort is not scheduled to begin until the late part
of this decade, these bonds will be issued as quickly as possible to eliminate
any chance at stopping or controlling train construction as time moves on and
the actual costs and facts become clear.
pledged to the Bonds, the Sales Tax revenue cannot be used for any purpose
other than bond debt service and the use of the bond proceeds are determined in
the bond covenants.
buses are not stipulated in the Bond covenants then those dollars cannot be
used for buses.
While any of the Surtax Net Proceeds are being withheld by the County pursuant
to Section 9 hereof, all costs and expenses incurred by the County and the
Clerk in exercising their obligations hereunder, and the fees and expenses of
outside professionals that the County reasonably determines are necessary for
the County and/or the Clerk to exercise their obligations hereunder shall be
withdrawn by the County from the withheld funds.
Here the County sets up a way to cover its expenses should it be necessary to
with hold funds from PSTA as a punitive effort to get control.
PSTA shall be solely responsible for all costs, expenses and/or obligations
relating to or arising from transit or transportation service and systems
provided by PSTA, including PSTA's Greenlight Plan, including but not limited
to: (i) acquisition, development, construction, improvement, operation,
maintenance, repair or replacement of Transportation Infrastructure, as well as
the acquisition of any necessary real property; (ii) PSTA's operating,
personnel, and supportive services, costs and expenditures; and (iii) payment
of principal and interest on bonds or other debt obligations issued or incurred
for PSTA's Greenlight Plan as provided in Section 7.
Here the County makes it clear that PSTA is totally responsible for all of its
public transportation commitments under the GreenLight Plan. The County also
makes it clear that PSTA is responsible for its obligation under any bond
financing. The problem is when PSTA runs out of money to build the train, run
the train, subsidize the train and run the buses what happens?
real question is will the Bond Houses allow this to stand or will they require
that the County be a cosigner on the revenue bonds?
If the
Bond Houses refuse to issue bonds without the County as an obligated
participant, then ether the train is dead, or the County agrees.
the County agree and PSTA fail financially, which is a real likelihood, then
the County would be on the hook for the bond service and the operation of the
public transportation system.
transportation property tax will come screaming back.
D) The
Parties recognize that certain County Infrastructure may be accessed or
utilized by PSTA for PSTA's Greenlight Plan. When necessary to implement PSTA's
Greenlight Plan, PSTA agrees to obtain County approval and coordinate any and
all activities that will impact County Infrastructure in advance of any such
activity. Should it be necessary to alter, construct, improve, develop, or
replace County Infrastructure in order to implement PSTA's Greenlight Plan,
PSTA shall pay all costs related to such alteration, construction, improvement,
development, or replacement of County Infrastructure. PSTA shall require any
such alteration, construction, improvement, development, or replacement of
County Infrastructure be consistent with any and all then current design
standards of the County. Project exceptions or variances from the design
standards may be submitted to the County for its prior review and approval. The
Parties agree to establish the method and manner of coordinating all such
activities impacting County Infrastructure in a separate agreement for each
project undertaken in the implementation of PSTA's Greenlight Plan that will,
at a minimum, address the following issues:
this Section he County commits certain infrastructure but puts on some
( 1) PSTA's notification to the County of any preliminary plans that require
the use of County Infrastructure.
is required to notify to the County of any preliminary plans that require the
use of County Infrastructure. That would be roads, property and right of way.
(2) The County's right to approve plans
and specifications and the
timing of such review and approval.
County's right to approve plans and specifications and the timing of such
reviewaof County infrastructure and approval.
(3) The County's right to review all
bids received
and approve the award of the construction project.
County has the right to review all bids received and approve the award of the
construction project. What is missing is where does the approval come from?
County Commission? The Agreement carefully does not say that.
County Administrator? The County Attorney? Not really very clear probably by
(4) The County's right to participate
in project meetings and
receive periodic updates/status reports as requested.
County has the right to participate in project meetings and receive periodic
updates/status reports as requested.
(5) The County's right to inspect the
portions of any project impacting
County Infrastructure at any phase of construction.
County retains the right to inspect the portions of any project impacting
County Infrastructure at any phase of construction. Here there may be an
attempt to get some control over where and how PSTA takes County roads and
right of way for the train. Through the inspection process the County can
require certain standards be met.
undertaking the activities set forth in this Section 11.D, the Parties agree to
be responsible for their own acts of negligence. However, PSTA shall require
any contractor, subcontractor, consultant or subconsultant who performs work on
any such project to indemnify the County where permitted by and in accordance
with law, and name the County as an additional insured on any insurance that
PSTA is also named as an additional insured, using language approved in advance
by the County. PSTA shall pay the County for all costs and fees incurred in the
review and approval process set forth herein, including without limitation
reimbursement for staff time (which shall consist solely of the direct cost to
the County of the employee's wages and benefits, prorated to an hourly basis,
and not including any administrative or other costs that do not represent
direct compensation to the employee), actual fees and expenses of outside
consultants or other experts hired by and paid by the County to perform the
review described above, and all similar fees, costs and expenses, as
specifically provided for in each separate agreement contemplated herein. The
County shall not attempt to charge PSTA any permit fees.
this Paragraph the Agreement waters down the above 5 statements and provides
PSTA plenty of options to get around any assertion of County control over the
train project.
five subsections provide the County some
control over work done in County owned right of way.
do not however speak to similar concerns by the local jurisdictions.
If you
happen to be a Mayor or Council member or a concerned citizen of any City in
Pinellas County where the train will require right of way, you might want to
read this Section again and have your attorney become familiar with it.
that Permit fees are eliminated.
will be tough to get any more concessions than these from PSTA in your
Interlocal Agreement, and in all likelihood local Cities will be told rather
than asked what they are to do.
PSTA shall be solely responsible for any additional costs incurred by the
County necessary to maintain and operate existing County Infrastructure
directly resulting from conflicting or adjacent PSTA facilities and shall
reimburse the County for such costs from Surtax Net Proceeds.
the County specifically holds PSTA responsible for incidental costs related to
PSTA's use of County infrastructure.
Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, nothing herein is
intended to transfer any jurisdiction, exclusive use, responsibility, control or
access to the PSTA for County Infrastructure. However, this is not intended to
prevent PSTA from obtaining rights or permission from the County for the
exclusive use of a portion of County right-of-way. Nothing contained in this
Section 11 shall be construed as requiring PSTA to pay the County for its
present or future use of County rights-of-way or other County Infrastructure
unless such rights-of-way or County Infrastructure shall be for the sole and
dedicated use of PSTA. Furthermore, nothing contained in this Section 11 shall
require PSTA to pay for any costs incurred by a private utility which incurs
costs as a result of any improvements or changes made by PSTA to any County
right-of-way or other County Infrastructure and the County agrees to require public
utilities to relocate their utilities at their expense if necessitated by work
by PSTA in accordance with any policies, rules, regulations or practices of the
County when the County performs work in County rights-of-way.
up some degree of control on PSTA acquisition and use of County right of way
and then takes swipe at private and public utilities in the right of way.
have to wonder how the boys at Duke Power feel about this one after they dumped
$50,000 into the GreenLight Yes PAC. "Furthermore,
nothing contained in this Section 11 shall require PSTA to pay for any costs
incurred by a private utility" ..... The
question becomes what happens if PSTA refuses to pay Duke Poweer for a utility
this Section the County attempts to put some operational teeth in the
Interlocal Agreement in key areas where it (the County) may have some
liability. This Section also sets up how the County will interact with PSTA
regarding certain fees and infrastructure.
it also provides for private and public utilities to pick up the cost of any
utility relocation for the light rail train.
does not however address the issues of taking of private property, (immanent
domain) or property owned by a municipality.
(G) If
and only if the Surtax Referendum passes, PSTA shall validate its authority to
issue bonds or notes, enter into lines of credit, incur loans or other
indebtedness and the pledge of the Surtax Net Proceeds as security therefore,
including this Agreement, pursuant to Chapter 75, Florida Statutes, at its sole
cost and expense. The County shall fully cooperate with and provide its best
efforts to assist PSTA in obtaining a judgment validating such rights,
including on any appeals, and PSTA shall pay for the County's costs and expenses
related thereto.
Section sets up the real purpose of the Sales Tax Referendum, the establishment
of a Bondable revenue flow and ties it to the successful passage of the sales
tax referendum.
County agrees that the sales tax revenue may be pledged to bonds and other
indebtedness and requires PSTA to follow all of the rules for municipal
County pledges its help and support but stops short of being a participant in
the issuance of these bonds.
given that 33% of the PSTA Board of Directors is made up of very cooperative
and lemming like County Commissioners, should the bond issuers require County
participation or obligation it would in all likelihood pass a County Commission
shall annually provide the County a copy of its adopted budget within fifteen
(15) days after its adoption. PSTA shall also cause to be prepared each year
audited financial statements and shall provide a copy of such statements to the
County by April 15th following the end of each Fiscal Year. PSTA shall provide
a progress report on PSTA's Greenlight Pinellas Plan each year within 60 days
of the end of PSTA's fiscal year, including but not limited to an updated pro
forma. PSTA shall also provide the County with any information required to be
provided to bondholders, lenders, and credit and liquidity providers under the
provisions of the Trust Agreement or with respect to any governmental grant or
loan and such other information as the County may reasonably request from time
to time, and the County shall also provide to PSTA with such information as
PSTA may reasonably request from time to time.
Section sets up the broad framework for reporting. Note that the reporting is
after the fact on an annual basis
covenants and agrees that it will maintain, preserve, keep and operate, or
cause to be maintained, preserved, kept and operated, all of PSTA's facilities,
assets and properties, including those that are acquired and/or constructed in
connection with PSTA's Greenlight Plan, in good and efficient repair, working
order and operating condition in conformity with standards customarily followed
in the transit industry. PSTA will make all necessary and proper repairs,
renewals and replacements which are economically sound, so that at all times
PSTA's operations and business can be properly and advantageously conducted in
an efficient manner.
Section requires that PSTA maintain its infrastructure but does not set up or
require any PSTA funding or reserve requirements to provide funding for these
is no provision for capital dollars for replacement of the train engine or its
cars that have typical 20 to 25 year life expectancy. This probably the reason
the Bonds are allowed in place for up to 90 years so PSTA can borrow and keep
the sales tax in place to refinance the train.
shall procure and maintain, or cause to be procured and maintained, so long as
it is receiving Surtax Net Proceeds hereunder, subject to the requirements of
State law, insurance against such risks and at such coverage levels and with
such deductibles as shall be determined by PSTA to be adequate to protect PSTA
and its assets and which insurance shall be consistent with the types and
levels of insurance maintained by public transit authorities similar to PSTA.
Such insurance shall include, but not be limited to, liability and property,
which property insurance shall cover loss or damage by fire, lightning,
explosion, windstorm, flood (where required), riot, aircraft, vehicle damage,
smoke and such other hazards as are normally covered by such insurance. In
procuring such insurance, and each year when renewing such insurance, PSTA
shall employ an insurance consultant or actuary acceptable to the County to
advise and recommend the types and levels of insurance to be maintained by
Parties shall comply with all applicable federal, state, and local laws,
ordinances, rules and regulations, the federal and state constitutions, and the
orders and decrees of lawful authorities having jurisdiction over the matter at
issue (collectively, "Laws"), including but not limited to public
records laws, and the County's Comprehensive Plan. The County's execution of
this Agreement shall not be construed as an approval of any necessary rezoning
applications nor for any other regulatory permits relating to PSTA's Greenlight
Given PSTA's
recent history with following the law, this Section seems very weak. There are
no penalties for failing to comply with this Section.
also that the County retains its Zoning authority in this Section. Retaining
this authority and how it is applied will have a lot of impact on the
"transit oriented redevelopment" portion of Greenlight plan.
for the activities described in Section 11 (D) above which will be the subject
of a separate agreement, to the extent permitted by law, PSTA shall defend,
indemnify and pay the cost of defense, and hold harmless the County from all
damages, suits, actions, or claims of any character brought on account of any
injuries or damages received or sustained by any person, persons, or property,
on account of any negligent or willful act or omission, or neglect or
misconduct of PSTA; This paragraph shall not be interpreted to waive any
immunity from or limitation of liability that PSTA may be entitled to under the
doctrine of sovereign immunity or Section 768.28, Florida Statutes.
contract language
County nor PSTA shall be deemed to be in breach of this Agreement by reason of
a Force Majeure.
contract language, but usually the Force Majeure clause is repeated in the
Agreement for clarity.
Party to this Agreement represents and warrants to the other Party that: (i) it
has the full right and authority and has obtained all necessary approvals to
enter into this Agreement; (ii) each person executing this Agreement on behalf
of the Party is authorized to do so; and (iii) this Agreement constitutes a
legal and binding obligation of the Party, enforceable according to its terms.
the County Board of Commissioners and the PSTA Board have formally approved
this Agreement.
Party to this Agreement may assign any rights or delegate any duties under this
Agreement without the prior written consent of the other Party, which consent
shall not be unreasonably withheld.
contract language
Unless and to the extent otherwise provided in this Agreement, all notices,
demands, requests for approvals and other communications which are required to
be given by either Party shall be in writing and shall be deemed given and
delivered on the date delivered in person to the authorized representative of
the recipient below, upon expiration of five (5) business days following the
date mailed by registered or certified mail, postage prepaid, return receipt
requested, to the authorized representative of the recipient provided below, or
upon the date delivered by overnight courier (signature required) to the
authorized representative of the recipient provided below: TO THE COUNTY:
County Administrator Pinellas County 315 Court Street Clearwater, Florida 33756
TOPSTA: Chief Executive Officer Pinellas Suncoast Transit Authority 3201
Scherer Drive St. Petersburg, Florida 33716 16
Either Party may change its authorized representative or address for receipt of
notices by providing the other Party with written notice of such change. The
change shall become effective ten (10) days after receipt of the non-changing
contract language
No act
of omission or commission of either Party, including without limitation, any
failure to exercise any right, remedy or recourse, shall be deemed to be a
waiver, release, or modification of the same. Such a waiver, release, or
modification is to be effected only through a written modification to this
Agreement, duly authorized and executed by both Parties.
contract language
Agreement shall be construed m accordance with the Laws of the State of
contract language but very important. This means violations of the Agreement
resulting in litigation must be litigated in
accordance with Florida Law. It does not extend that same requirement to
any GreenLight plan vendors, unless a similar clause is included in their
contract with PSTA.
Agreement shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon the Parties'
respective successors and assigns.
contract language
for lenders, creditors, credit enhancers, concessionaires, lessors, bond
trustees or other parties that are secured by Surtax Net Proceeds, persons not
a party to this Agreement may not claim any benefit hereunder or as third-party
beneficiaries. Notwithstanding the foregoing, to the extent that the County is
required to defend any action brought by any such lender, creditor, credit
enhancer, concessionaires, lessor, bond trustee or other party, all of the
County's costs related to such defense shall be paid from legally available
moneys of PSTA, which may include Surtax Net Proceeds, as an unsecured
obligation of PSTA.
This Section reaffirms lenders,
creditors, credit enhancers, concessionaires, lessors, bond trustees or other
parties that are secured by Surtax Net Proceeds that they will be protected.
This is one of several Sections that will tie up the proceeds from the sales
tax for up to 90 years.
paragraph headings are inserted herein for convenience and reference only and
in no way define, limit, or otherwise describe the scope or intent of any
provisions hereof.
contract language
PREPARER OF AGREEMENT. This Agreement has been prepared by the County and
reviewed by PSTA and its professional advisors. PSTA, the County and the
County's professional advisors believe that this Agreement expresses their
understanding and that it should not be interpreted in favor of either PSTA or
the County or against PSTA or the County merely because of their
efforts in preparing it.
This is a feel good Section to assure both parties they have
done everything possible to make this Agreement as flexible as possible. Note
that the County establishes itself as the author of the Agreement, while the
actual GreenLight Ordinance was authored by the PSTA.
Agreement constitutes the entire Agreement between the Parties and no change
will be valid unless made by supplemental written agreement duly authorized and
executed by the Parties.
No indication here who must approve any written agreement
that changes the original Agreement.
any paragraph or portion of any paragraph of this Agreement be rendered void,
invalid or unenforceable by any court of law for any reason, such determination
shall not render void, invalid or unenforceable any other paragraph or portion
of this Agreement, unless it is determined that the County may not impose the
Surtax or that the Surtax Net Proceeds may not be legally distributed to PSTA,
in which case this Agreement shall terminate.
contract language protecting the Agreement from any one Section being held
invalid by any court.
also that this Section provides for termination of the Agreement should the
County not be able to impose the sales tax or that the proceeds of the sales
tax cannot legally be distributed to the PSTA.
Except and to the extent expressly permitted herein, as long as bonds, notes,
loans, lines of credit, other evidences of indebtedness, lease agreements,
concession agreements or other similar agreements are secured by Surtax Net
Proceeds, the pledging of the Surtax Net Proceeds in the manner contemplated
hereunder shall not be subject to repeal, modification or impairment by any
subsequent ordinance, resolution or other proceedings of the Board of 12
Commissioners of the County, and the County shall not take any action which
will adversely impact its obligation and ability to levy the Surtax and to pay
Net Surtax Proceeds to the PSTA to be used as contemplated in this Agreement
and in the Ordinance.
Section protects any bond issuers and holders where the Surtax revenue is
pledged to the bonds and that will be required for all bonds related to the
GreenLight Plan. This Section prevents the County through its Board of
Commissioners and the County directly from taking any action that affect
collecting and payment of the sales tax to PSTA for servicing of the Bonds.
other words, once sales tax revenues are pledged to , "notes, loans, lines of credit,
other evidences of indebtedness, lease agreements, concession agreements" the County cannot stop the sales tax or
refuse to pass the sales tax proceeds to the PSTA.
Agreement allows for these bonds to be in place for 50 years with two twenty
year renewals. That is a total of 90 years.
GreenLight passes, you can bet that the very first thing PSTA will do is
establish the Bonding and lines of
credit to tie up as much of the sales tax revenue as they can to prevent any
legal action from preventing encumbering the sales tax proceeds.
Except as otherwise provided below, notwithstanding anything herein to the
contrary, the County shall not under any circumstances reduce or cause the
reduction of Surtax Net Proceeds to be distributed to PSTA (i) unless written
confirmation is received from each rating agency then maintaining a rating on
PSTA debt obligations to the effect that such reduction will not in and of
itself cause such rating agency to reduce or withdraw the then current rating,
and (ii) below a level which, in the reasonable opinion of a qualified
independent consultant(s) selected by PSTA and approved by the County (a)
jeopardize, at such time or in the future, PSTA's ability to cost-effectively
incur debt as contemplated in PSTA's Greenlight Plan, (b) jeopardize, at such time
or in the future, PSTA's ability to obtain federal and state funding at the
times and in the amounts contemplated in PSTA's Greenlight Plan, (c)
jeopardize, at such time or in the future, PSTA's ability to execute
public-private partnerships (if deemed by PSTA and its financial advisor to be
the most appropriate way to deliver all or a portion of PSTA's Greenlight
Plan), (d) cause PSTA to be in breach of this Agreement or any then-existing
funding, grant or loan agreement or the Trust Agreement, (e) jeopardize, at
such time or in the future, PSTA's ability to renew, replace, and properly
maintain PSTA's physical assets at the times and in the amounts contemplated in
PSTA's Greenlight Plan, or (f) otherwise frustrate, at such time or in the
future, PSTA's ability to plan, develop, acquire, improve, construct, equip,
operate, maintain, or finance PSTA's Greenlight Plan. This Section 29(B) shall
not apply in any manner with respect to the County's ability to reduce Surtax
Net Proceeds distributions to PSTA pursuant to Section 6 hereof.
is the Section that ties up your tax dollars and assures that the tax stays in
is a 90 year mortgage on the future of Pinellas County, and you sign it when
you vote yes.
Each Party hereto shall be considered in default if it is in default in the due
and punctual performance of any covenant, condition, agreement and provision
contained herein, to be performed, and such default shall continue for sixty (60)
days after written notice specifying such default and requiring same to be
remedied shall have been given to such Party by the other Party.
the Agreement requires the County to send the sales tax revenues to PSTA within
5 days.
Upon the happening and continuance of a default by a Party hereto, then and in
every such case the other Party may proceed to protect and enforce their rights
hereunder by such suits, actions or special proceedings in equity or at law, or
by proceedings in the office of any board or officer having jurisdiction,
either for mandamus or the specific performance of any covenant or agreement
contained herein or in aid or execution of any power herein granted or for the
enforcement of any proper legal or equitable remedy, as such Party shall deem
most effectual to protect and enforce such rights.
If the
County does not move the sales tax proceeds to PSTA or withholds funds in
violation of the Agreement then PSTA may proceed legally against the County.
(C) The
provisions of this Section 30 shall not apply with respect to any of the
matters set forth in Section 6 and Section 9 hereof. Any event that occurs
under Section 6 or Section 9 hereof that could result in a reduction of the
distribution of Surtax Net Proceeds shall not be considered a default under
this Section 30.
contract language but keep in mind once these sales tax funds are pledged to
bonds, the bond pledge and bond covenants trump all of the above language.
Agreement may be executed in counterparts by the Parties.
contract language
Parties' obligations under this Agreement shall terminate immediately without
any further action and be of no further force and effect if the Surtax
Referendum does not pass or if the Surtax is repealed in its entirety.
This is where you come in.... If you vote NO all of the
language in Ordinance 13- 34 and this Agreement simply go away.
Agreement and any amendments thereto, shall be filed with the Clerk as provided
in Section 163.01(11), Florida Statutes.
contract language
WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this Agreement to be executed by their
duly authorized representatives on the date first above written.
concludes the presentation and review of the GreenLight Interlocal Agreement
between the County and PSTA.
It is
important to note that this is an Agreement and not an Ordinance or a law. It
only goes into effect if the Sales Tax referendum passes on November 4, 2014.
Agreement can and will be modified as the Greenlight plan unfolds.
Public has no direct input in to this Agreement or any changes that may be made
to accommodate the implementation of the GreenLight plan, bond issuance,
financing, bus expansion or train construction or train routes.
13- 34 makes the 1% sales tax increase a
law, and this Interlocal Agreement sets the framework for bonding and financing
that will continue this tax with no
provision for repeal for up to 90 years.
It is
your decision
vote your mail in ballot as soon as you receive it or go to the Polls on
November 4, 2014 and vote.
Doc at: dr.webb@verizon.net. Or send me a Facebook (Gene Webb)
Friend request. Please comment below, and be sure to share on Facebook and
Disclosures: Contributor to No Tax for Tracks.
Disclosures: Contributor to No Tax for Tracks.
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