You could pass it off as bad judgment or poor decision
making or just more campaign and political high jinks.
You could do all of that - unless you have been reading
the headlines and watching the news in the last week or so.
Just watch your local newscast on TV, follow the news
on social media or read a news paper.
Terrorist transportation attacks are all too common
around the world; fortunately we have been spared so far in this Country.
When the federal
government through the Department of Homeland Security makes resources
available to local public officials to use to warn us and help us protect
ourselves that is the purpose for which they should be used.
The PSTA Chair Ken Welch and the PSTA Board of
Directors apparently do not see it that way.
I was at the meetings and the smiles and smirks from
the Board Members as Brad Miller's actions were revealed were disgusting. It
was like they were proud of their boy's efforts to hoodwink the Feds.
They said
so with a vote of confidence.
The snarky comments from the Chairman Ken Welch, which later
came back to bite him, showed a total disconnect from the reality of the
rapidly changing world around us.
Overwhelmed by the million dollars given by powerful
interests to support a self-serving plan, and blinded by the desire to
redevelop South Pinellas County for the gains of GreenLight supporters, PSTA
could not even bring themselves to legitimately warn their customers and
educate them on how to protect themselves.
Instead they illegally diverted the federal funds to
their own interests and took no other action than a "conversation with the
CEO" and then a vote of confidence when they were caught.
Do you feel any safer?
I cannot even imagine what these people will do if we
vote to give them an additional $100 million in uncontrolled cash each year.
That kind of money in PSTA, an organization as poorly managed and controlled as
recent events reveal, will breed a level of misconduct and corruption never
before seen in this County.
See who will really be driving the bus and the
train; read the Jamal Thalji Article in the Tampa Bay Times: Greenlight Pinellas has big backers in big business.
Know before you vote. Read the documents you put in
force if you vote YES on Green Light Sales Tax
Ordinance and The PSTA/ Pinellas
County Inter Local Agreement
Doc at: dr.webb@verizon.net. Or
send me a Facebook (Gene Webb) Friend request. Please comment below, and be
sure to share on Facebook and Twitter.
Disclosures: Contributor to No Tax for Tracks.
Disclosures: Contributor to No Tax for Tracks.
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