Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Relief Effort Continues in Aftermath of Hurricane Ian

 In English and Spanish

Florida News Connection
October 10, 2022

By: Trimmel Gomes

For some in hurricane-ravaged southwest Florida, recovery has been relatively quick. However, as of the weekend, there were still some 69,000 reported power outages and thousands more displaced people.

Businesses are opening back up, and families are slowly continuing to make their way back to their homes or what remains when they arrive. Along with power restoration, access to clean water and basic needs are still issues state emergency managers hope to fix quickly.

Groups such as the Florida AFL-CIO have banded together with other unions across the state to help out.

Hellen Parker, director of operations for the Florida AFL-CIO, said they used to provide financial support but quickly realized after one storm to the next, financial gifts are only nice if you can use them.

"So instead of giving out financial gift cards of small value, we are now transporting, ice, we have semi-trucks of ice coming down, stuff hat people could use on the ground now: food, water, toiletries," Parker outlined.

Parker pointed out the public can still help to keep those trucks full in support of working families affected by the storm by sending donations to actionnetwork.org.

According to the governor's office, the state has provided more than 13 million meals, 47 million bottles of water and 2.2 million gallons of fuel to those in need. As of Saturday, FloridaDisasterFund.org has raised more than $40 million dollars to help those impacted by the storm.

Parker added unions from across the state will continue to chip in for as long as the need remains.

"The labor movement itself, like unions, you know, we don't have the resources to rebuild houses and things like that," Parker noted. "But we are doing everything that we can to assist the individuals, families communities, that have been affected by, in this case, another Cat-4 hurricane, Ian. "

The state has listed tips to help those affected, including resources for mental health and the Florida Small Business Emergency Bridge Loan Program.

So far, the state has cleared debris from more than 2,800 miles of roadways. It also brought in around 375 Starlink satellite devices to provide internet. Other essentials such as portable restrooms are being shipped into areas still in need.

For those interested in donating to any relief organizations, the National Center for Disaster Fraud is urging the public to be on the alert for fraudsters. They recommend donating to known charities and to use credit cards instead of cash to keep a record of the transaction.

Content for this Post is provided by Florida News Connection, a Bureau of Public News Service.  Public News Service is a member of the The Trust Project.


Continúan los esfuerzos de ayuda tras huracán Ian

By: Trimmel Gomes

Para algunos de los damnificados por el huracan al suroeste de Florida, la recuperacion ha sido relativamente rapida. Sin embargo, hasta el sabado todavia se habian registrado unos 69 mil cortes de electricidad y miles de personas desplazadas.

Los negocios estan abriendo de nuevo, y las familias continuan lentamente el camino de vuelta a sus hogares o lo que quedo de estos cuando los encuentran. El restablecimiento del suministro electrico, el acceso al agua potable y las necesidades basicas siguen siendo problemas que los gestores de emergencias del estado esperan solucionar rapidamente.

Grupos como Florida AFL-CIO se han unido a otros sindicatos de todo el estado para ayudar.

La directora de operaciones, Helen Parker, dice que solian proporcionar ayuda financiera, pero rapidamente se dieron cuenta que de una tormenta a la otra, la financiacion solo es buena si se puede utilizar.

"Asi que en lugar de repartir tarjetas de apoyo financiero de poco valor, ahora estamos transportando, hielo, tenemos semicamiones de hielo, y cosas que la gente podria usar en el terreno ahora: comida, agua, y articulos de aseo," informa Parker.

Parker dice que el publico todavia puede ayudar a mantener esos camiones llenos de apoyo para las familias trabajadoras afectadas por la tormenta enviando donaciones a actionnetwork.org.

Segun la oficina del gobernador, el estado ha proporcionado mas de 13 millones de comidas, 47 millones de botellas de agua y 2.2 millones de galones de combustible para los necesitados. Hasta el sabado, FloridaDisasterFund.org ha recaudado mas de 40 millones de dolares para ayudar a los afectados por la tormenta.

Parker afirma que los sindicatos de todo el estado seguiran aportando su contribucion mientras siga siendo necesaria.

"El movimiento obrero en si, como los sindicatos, no tenemos los recursos para reconstruir casas y cosas por el estilo, pero estamos haciendo todo lo que podemos para ayudar a las personas, comunidades y familias, que han sido afectadas en este caso, por otro huracan Categoria-4, huracan Ian," informa Parker.

El estado ha enumerado consejos para ayudar a los afectados, incluyendo recursos para la salud mental y el Programa de Prestamos Puente de Emergencia para Pequenas Empresas de Florida. Hasta ahora, el estado ha limpiado los escombros de mas de 28 millas de carreteras. Tambien ha traido unos 375 dispositivos de satelite Starlink para proporcionar Internet.

Otros elementos esenciales, como banos portatiles, se estan enviando a zonas que aun los necesitan.

Para aquellos interesados en donar a cualquier organizacion de ayuda, el Centro Nacional para el Fraude de Desastres insta al publico a estar atento a estafadores.

Recomiendan donar a organizaciones beneficas conocidas y utilizar tarjetas de credito en lugar de dinero en efectivo para mantener un registro de la transaccion.

Content for this Post is provided by Florida News Connection, a Bureau of Public News Service.  Public News Service is a member of the The Trust Project.

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