Sunday, September 8, 2024

Sunday Essay: Harris as a Socialist, Communist -Trump as a Populist or a Nationalist

Opinion by: 
E. Eugene Webb PhD 

If Kamala Harris is labeled as a socialist, which is often a term used to describe someone who supports more government intervention in the economy and social welfare programs, then Donald Trump is typically described as a populist or nationalist a person who strongly identifies with their own nation and vigorously supports its interests, especially to the exclusion or detriment of the interests of other nations.

Trump's political stance is characterized by his focus on America-first policies, deregulation, tax cuts, and a more conservative approach to government. While Harris will advocate for more progressive policies such as higher taxes (redistribution of wealth), Trump tends to support policies that favor business interests, lower taxes, and stricter immigration controls.

These labels, however, can be overly simplistic and often do not capture the full complexity of a politician's views. They are used more for political rhetoric than for accurate descriptions of policy positions.

Comparing how Kamala Harris would govern versus how Donald Trump would govern involves looking at their political ideologies, policy preferences, and leadership styles. Here is a breakdown:

A     Political Ideology:

1     Kamala Harris: Progressive/Center-Left: Harris leans toward progressive policies but often positions herself within the Democratic Party's center-left. Her stance on issues like healthcare, climate change, and social justice reflects a belief in a more active role for government in addressing social inequalities.

2     Donald Trump: Populist/Right-Wing: Trump is often characterized as a right-wing populist, focusing on nationalism, economic protectionism, and conservative social policies. His ideology tends to emphasize less government intervention in the economy, lower taxes, and a strong emphasis on national sovereignty.

B     Economic Policy:

1     Kamala Harris: Government Intervention: Harris would likely support policies that involve increased government spending on social programs, healthcare, and education. She has advocated for raising the minimum wage, increasing taxes on the wealthy, and addressing income inequality.

2     Donald Trump: Deregulation and Tax Cuts: Trump is known for supporting tax cuts, especially for businesses and higher-income individuals. His administration focused on deregulation, particularly in industries like energy and finance, to spur economic growth.

C     Healthcare:

1     Kamala Harris: Expansion of Healthcare: Harris has supported expanding access to healthcare, including a public option or a Medicare-for-All type system, though she has shown some flexibility on the specifics. Her approach would likely aim to reduce costs and expand coverage.

2     Donald Trump: Repeal of ACA and Private Sector Focus: Trump sought to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act (ACA) with a system that relied more on private insurance and reduced federal involvement. He favored market-based solutions and aimed to lower drug prices through competition.

D     Climate and Environmental Policy:

1     Kamala Harris: Pro-Environmental Regulation: Harris would likely prioritize climate change and environmental protection, supporting policies like the Green New Deal, renewable energy investments, and stricter environmental regulations.

2     Donald Trump: Fossil Fuels and Deregulation: Trump's approach was to roll back environmental regulations to promote the fossil fuel industry, withdraw from the Paris Agreement, and prioritize economic growth over environmental concerns.

E     Immigration:

1     Kamala Harris: Pathway to Citizenship and Humanitarian Focus: Harris supports comprehensive immigration reform, including a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants, protection for DACA recipients, and more humane treatment of asylum seekers.

2     Donald Trump: Strict Enforcement: Trump advocated for stricter immigration policies, including building a border wall, implementing travel bans from certain countries, and reducing legal immigration through merit-based systems.

F      Social Issues:

1     Kamala Harris: Progressive Social Policies: Harris supports policies aimed at advancing social justice, including LGBTQ+ rights, criminal justice reform, and gender equality. She has been an advocate for reproductive rights and gun control measures.

2     Donald Trump: Conservative Social Policies: Trump aligns with conservative social values, opposing abortion rights, advocating for gun rights, and often taking a traditionalist stance on issues like LGBTQ+ rights and law enforcement.

G     Foreign Policy:

1     Kamala Harris: Multilateralism and Diplomacy: Harris would likely support re-engaging with international allies, emphasizing diplomacy, and addressing global challenges like climate change and human rights through multilateral institutions.

2     Donald Trump: America First: Trump's foreign policy was characterized by a more unilateral approach, renegotiating trade deals, reducing involvement in international agreements, and prioritizing U.S. interests over global cooperation.

H     Leadership Style:

1     Kamala Harris: Collaborative and Institutional: Harris tends to work within the political system, building coalitions, and using her background as a prosecutor to focus on detailed policy work. Her style might be more consensus-driven, emphasizing the importance of institutions.

2     Donald Trump: Disruptive and Direct: Trump is known for his unconventional and often confrontational style, using social media to bypass traditional media and communicate directly with his base. His leadership is marked by a focus on loyalty and a willingness to challenge established norms.

I       Overall Approach:

1     Kamala Harris would likely govern with an emphasis on progressive change, social justice, and a strong role for government in addressing societal issues. Her policies would reflect a belief in equity and systemic reform, particularly in areas like healthcare, the environment, and civil rights.

2     Donald Trump would likely continue his focus on populist, nationalist policies that prioritize economic growth, deregulation, and a strong stance on immigration and national security. His governance would be characterized by a preference for limited government intervention in the economy, conservative social policies, and an America-first approach to foreign affairs.


As you are thinking about your vote, consider this. Over the years socialist based programs instituted in our government have been virtually impossible to modify and or remove. Many of these programs are now referred to as entitlements. And have become so ingrained in our society that they cannot be modified or eliminated. They are and will continue to be a significant factor in the annual budget process and the national debt.


With Kamala Harris as president, and the likely cadre of far-left progressives and activists that she will draw around her as advisers will create a series of difficult to fund social entitlement programs, that if passed by a Democratic House and Senate, will be virtually impossible to reverse.


On the other hand, with Donald Trump as president, his policies of limited government intervention, conservative social policies, and strong stance on immigration could easily be modified or mitigated by Congress, the courts, or a new administration.

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