Sunday, October 20, 2024

How do You Make an Informed Voting Decision in 2024 Part I


Opinion by: E. Eugene Webb PhD
Originally published 6/27/2024

Over the years I have made the decision not to endorse individual candidates for public office. There have been some notable exceptions but that has generally been our position.

I have however, frequently published information regarding how you can make an informed decision in the upcoming elections.

If you follow the news and you're like most Americans, you are probably generally confused about every political office from the Presidency write down to your County Commissioners or City Council. Don't feel alone, you have a lot of company.

I don't think there's ever been a time in history, when the American voter has had so many things to consider regarding candidates for the governments that control their lives.

In this election a lot of people would lead you to believe that the decision is very clear. You either vote Democratic or you vote Republican. It's far from that simple.

The problem you as a voter face is the simple fact that there are good people and bad people in both parties. It is important as you consider your vote, that you develop some guidelines about where you're at on this whole issue of Autocracy, Socialism or Democracy as the leading theme of the government.

Most of us are somewhat fixated on the Presidential race. And there are a lot of issues there and I'll address them in a later post.

But equally important are those we like to call down ballot races that really affect your daily life.

City councils or county commissions in turmoil because of political strife often fail to govern rationally and the results can be both short term and long-term issues for their jurisdiction.

When you see those running for city or county level offices that purport to want to make all these so-called changes on their own, you can be certain that these people have no idea how local governance works. As a voter, you need to read those flyers that come in the mailbox, and those political ads that you may see on television or hear on radio and listen carefully to what these people are saying.

Governance at all political levels has always been and will always be, until we change it, an issue of working together and compromising. People with radical political ideas, one issue candidates whether it be racial, religion, LGBTQ, abortion, or any one topic issue are much more likely to be ineffective in their governance role.

I have put together, using the resources of artificial intelligence and other sources, some material for you to consider regarding how to make an informed voting decision. It is a bit lengthy, but these are very difficult times for voters and for candidates.

Here is the outline we will follow. In Part 2, I will add some significant detail to these points.

1. Policy Positions and Ideologies

2. Experience and Qualifications

3. Character and Integrity

4. Leadership and Communication Skills

5. Electability and Public Support

6. Past Performance and Accountability

7. Personal Connection and Empathy

8. Partisan Considerations

9. Debate and Campaign Performance

10. Long-Term Impact

As you begin to mark your ballot or decide how you will vote you should keep this list handy.

E-mail Doc at mail to: or send me a Facebook (E. Eugene Webb) Friend request. Like or share on Facebook, follow me on  X at  @DOC ON THE BAY.

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