Never has a race been so partisan, never has there been
so much money raised and never have the stakes been so high.
It is often said that "all government is
local" but more accurately, "the government that affects you the most
is your local government"
A lot of us on the City Staff thought that the strong Mayor form
of government would sooner or later lead to a disaster. We have gotten closer
with Mayor Bill Foster than with the previous two strong mayors.
Just the fact that on a single issue, the Pier, the citizens would
conduct not one, but two petition drives to
have their voice heard constitutes a significant enough failure of leadership to relegate Bill Foster to a single term.
have their voice heard constitutes a significant enough failure of leadership to relegate Bill Foster to a single term.
Foster failed to get rid of the guy with the short memory that let
the Hilton off the hook for impact fees.
Foster bought into changing the hiring requirements for the Codes
Director so the Codes Department could be marginalized.
Foster personally oversaw the almost total destruction of the
neighborhoods program.
Foster cut the neighborhood assistance grants.
When the fire fighters did not support Foster in his election bid,
he cut the Fire budget forcing fire apparatus to be off line. Yet trumpeted
"public safety is job one"
Foster has never held the police chief accountable for the crime
issues in South St. Pete.
In an immature, knee jerk reaction Foster ordered the destruction
of the crime scene where two St. Pete police officers were killed as a result
what really happened there will never be fully understood.
And most famously, Bill Foster closed the Pier putting over 400
people out of work and preventing visitors and residents from enjoying the Pier.
Using the subsidy as an excuse while the City poured millions in subsidy's into
a port that sets mostly unused.
As a people, the citizens of St. Petersburg deserve a government
that they can trust, serves in their interest and listens to their voice. The
past 4 years they have had none of these from the mayor, woeful little from the
City Council.
Most times it easy to blow off the local elections. But there is
no election where your single vote is more important and more directly affects
you than in these municipal elections.
Every registered voter in St. Pete that has not already voted
needs to make an extra special effort to get to the Polls on Tuesday and vote.
It is painless, quick and you feel good afterwards.
Henry Clay said:
Government is a
trust, and the officers of the government are trustees. And both the trust and
the trustees are created for the benefit of the people. Read more at
site Brainy Quote
Please comment below or you can e-mail Doc
at: dr.webb@verizon.net, or send me a Facebook Friend request.
Disclosures: Contributor to Kathleen Ford Campaign, Darden Rice Campaign,
Concern Citizens of St. Petersburg, Rick Kriseman for Mayor,
District 2 Lorraine Margeson
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