Sunday, April 2, 2023

Parents Fight FL Education Policies with #NotFoolingUs Rally

Florida News Connection

In Spanish Below 

By: Trimmel Gomes 

Some students, parents and educators plan to rally to send a message to Gov. Ron DeSantis on April Fools' Day.

The group of unions, parents and community leaders are planning a Miami rally using the hashtag #NotFoolingUs. It's all in protest of what they see as DeSantis' "extreme" agenda, on issues from health care to education.

Touri White, a parent leader at P.S. 305 with two kids in high school and elementary school, said his biggest concerns are censorship and what he sees as attacks against marginalized groups. White said he's a big proponent of getting parents to volunteer and read to students in schools, but lately that's been restricted.

"Parents can no longer bring in books from home - from a home library, children's book - they have to be pre-approved books," he said. "That was mandated by the governor's office, to be able to read to the students. And I have a big problem with that."

The governor has rebutted claims of book bans, stating it's "a false narrative in terms of using schools for indoctrination, rather than education." However, he continues to back proposals and laws against teaching about race, sexual orientation and gender, which has led to book bans in some districts.

The #NotFoolingUs rally is to kick off at 10 a.m. Saturday outside the Stephen P. Clark Government Center in Miami.

Organizers have said they're struggling to keep politics out of the classroom, and to focus on teaching math, science, reading and honest history - but they say the governor is only pretending to be in support of those issues, while attacking teachers and passing laws to criminalize them. White said he'd like to see fairness.

"You know, I firmly believe that we all have a right to exist and coexist, and be treated fairly and equitably," he said, "and that's definitely not happening in this current administration with the governor."

The groups are encouraging people to speak up across the state on issues that concern them regarding actions in the Florida Legislature - from abortion bans and permitless guns to what they see as attempts to silence teachers.


Padres luchan contra polĂ­ticas educativas de FL con el mitin #NotFoolingUs

By: Trimmel Gomes

El grupo de sindicatos, padres y lideres comunitarios estan planeando una manifestacion en Miami usando el hashtag #NotFoolingUs. Se trata de una protesta sobre la agenda "extrema" de DeSantis, en temas que van desde la atencion medica hasta la educacion.

Touri White, padre lider en P.S. 305, que tiene dos hijos en secundaria y primaria, dice que sus mayores preocupaciones son la censura y lo que el percibe como ataques contra grupos marginados. White dice que es un gran defensor de que los padres se ofrezcan como voluntarios y lean para los estudiantes en las escuelas, pero ultimamente esto se ha restringido.

"Los padres ya no pueden traer libros de casa (libros para ninos de una biblioteca domestica), tienen que ser libros aprobados previamente," informa White. "Esto fue ordenado por la oficina del gobernador, para poder leerles a los estudiantes. Y tengo un gran problema con eso."

El gobernador ha refutado las afirmaciones sobre prohibiciones de libros, afirmando que es "una narrativa falsa en terminos de usar las escuelas para el adoctrinamiento, en lugar de la educacion". Sin embargo, sigue respaldando propuestas y leyes contra la ensenanza sobre raza, orientacion sexual y genero, lo que ha llevado a la prohibicion de libros en algunos distritos.

La manifestacion #NotFoolingUs comienza el sabado a las 10 de la manana afuera del Centro de Gobierno Stephen P. Clark en Miami.

Los organizadores dicen que estan luchando por mantener la politica fuera del aula y concentrarse en ensenar matematicas, ciencias, lectura y una historia honesta, pero dicen que el gobernador solo pretende apoyar esos temas, mientras ataca a los maestros y aprueba leyes para criminalizarlos. White dice que le gustaria ver justicia.

"Creo firmemente que todos tenemos derecho a existir y coexistir, y ser tratados de manera justa y equitativa," opina White. "Y eso definitivamente no esta sucediendo en esta administracion actual con el gobernador."

Los grupos alientan a las personas a hablar en todo el estado sobre temas que les preocupan con respecto a las acciones en la Legislatura de Florida, desde prohibiciones de aborto y armas sin permiso, hasta lo que ven como intentos de silenciar a los maestros.

Content for this Post is provided by Florida News Connection, a Bureau of Public News Service.  Public News Service is a member of the The Trust Project.

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